I’m honored to serve as poet-in-residence at an upcoming Jewish men’s club retreat in the Baltimore, MD area. It’s with the Seaboard Jewish Men’s Clubs in the Mid-Atlantic region. The theme […]
Brunch and Poetry
Come join us for Rick Black’s brunch and poetry talk on Sunday, February 21st, at Olam Tikvah synagogue in Fairfax, Virginia. For three years, Black did post-graduate work in Hebrew literature at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Subsequently, he was a reporter in the Jerusalem bureau of The New York Times. He covered the first intifada, […]
Don’t Miss This Screening…Coming Events!
You won’t want to miss it! Please join us for a screening of the poignant documentary remembering Nick Virgilio… by Sean Dougherty at 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 7 at Robin’s Bookstore/Moonstone Arts Gallery in Philadelphia. We will have a special reading of sections of the new Virgilio book, Nick Virgilio: A Life in Haiku, […]
Riots at American Consulate in Libya
Watching the riots at the American consulate in Libya brings back memories of when I was caught in similar circumstances during my reporting experiences in Israel. That was already 20 years ago but the visceral memory of being amid a mob bent on killing has stayed with me. It was during the first Palestinian intifada […]
A City Slicker Poet-Artist-Musician
Just this week a terrific feature came out about Nick Virgilio in A Hundred Gourds by Kathleen O’Toole in which she discusses the forces that led Virgilio to haiku as well as his influence upon the haiku community and our perception of haiku today. Here are some short excerpts: “When Nick Virgilio discovered a copy […]