Come join us for Rick Black’s brunch and poetry talk on Sunday, February 21st, at Olam Tikvah synagogue in Fairfax, Virginia.

For three years, Black did post-graduate work in Hebrew literature at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Subsequently, he was a reporter in the Jerusalem bureau of The New York Times. He covered the first intifada, which broke out in 1987, and the Persian Gulf war in 1991. He also wrote pieces on the Russian and Ethiopian waves of immigration.

After six years in Israel, Black returned to the States. He began writing poetry as a way to deal with what he had experienced in Israel; he also started taking classes in fine bookmaking at the Center for Book Arts in NYC.

In 2005, Black founded Turtle Light Press, his own small poetry and photography press. To get an idea of Black’s own award-winning poetry, you can take a look here at Star of David or his miniature book, Peace and War: A Collection of Haiku from Israel.

For more information or to register, you can write to:

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