The Amichai Windows
upcoming Events
The University of California at Berkeley and the University of Michigan are planning some events about The Amichai Windows in the upcoming academic year 2022-2023.
More details to follow as they become available.
MEDia coverage
Please check out these links to read or listen to some of the media coverage of our artist book, The Amichai Windows, in both Hebrew and English. Many more details are available on a website that’s dedicated specifically to The Amichai Windows.
A few poetic spreads of The Amichai Windows were featured as part of a Jewish art exhibition, “Jewish Authenticity and Identity,” at Adas Israel congregation in Washington, DC. The show, which was curated by Prof. Ori Soltes and organized by Day Eight, ran from April 5 to May 14, 2021. There is an hour-long video about show here.
RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ A webinar on The Amichai Windows took place on Sunday, March 7, 2021. We were in conversation with Rutgers Jewish Studies Prof. Gary A. Rendsburg, who helped with the translation. You can see a recording of the event here.
We were artist-of-the-month in September 2020 for the College Book Art Association — please take a look to learn more about our work and see some of the spreads of The Amichai Windows. Future talks and exhibitions are in the works online – please see our Amichai website for the latest programs.
In March 2020, we had a booth at one of the last public events in NYC — the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair. It was odd to be just “bumping elbows” with everyone. But then it got even stranger as the virus spread and we became even more distanced from each other. We also had a table at the College Book Art Association conference in New Orleans in January, which seems like a very long time ago. In February, we gave an artist talk to DC-ALT, the association of literary translators in Washington, DC. A talk at Georgetown University will be rescheduled.
DC-ALT, ASSOCIATION OF LITERARY TRANSLATORS, WASHINGTON, DC, Sunday, Feb 9, 2020. Rick enjoyed sharing The Amichai Windows with a small group of literary translators. He gave them a small sample of the visuals and then delved into some of the translation issues that he faced. Aside from the intricacies of translating from Hebrew to English, he also sought out the original drafts of Amichai’s poems at Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
HIGHLAND PARK CONSERVATIVE TEMPLE, HIGHLAND PARK, NJ, Sunday, May 19, 2019. Book artist Rick Black gave a talk and slide show at the Highland Park Conservative Temple in Highland Park, NJ. He and Shula Minsky read poems in Hebrew and English, and then Rick discussed his connection with Yehuda Amichai and the making of The Amichai Windows.
Our program on The Amichai Windows was held from 5 – 7 p.m. on October 30, 2018, at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University in New Haven, CT.
Aside from giving an artist talk, Rick Black was joined by three Yale professors in a roundtable discussion of windows in Amichai’s poetry.
The Amichai Windows, an artist book featuring 18 poems by the reknown Israeli poet, Yehuda Amichai, is a unique look at Israel and contemporary Jewish history.
You can read about the program and see pix at this blog post.
To find out more about this artist book, please feel free to browse through our special website for The Amichai Windows.
Or check out this magazine-length feature article on the website of Tikkun Magazine.
Another wonderful book launch with Hana Amichai, the poet’s widow, took place on May 6, 2018, at Tmol Shilshom, a cafe and literary hub where Yehuda Amichai used to hang out to write, read and relax. You can read more about this fabulous book launch in Jerusalem at our blog post.
Please see our blog entry about our opening book launch of The Amichai Windows at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Hyattsville, MD. You can check out the flyer below or see this link at the Pyramid website.