Americana Scenes

In these roadside images of America, you will rediscover the fun of cruising along the back roads of small-town America. They are a throwback to the good ole days of drive-in movies and ’54 Chevies, bowling alleys and ice cream parlors.

Americana is a part of our history; it’s pop culture at its height, whether you’re at a rodeo, a diner or an old-fashioned merry-go-round. Especially now with people moving from one place to another so much, your family and friends will thank you for reminding them of a less hectic time and place.

Rick Black and Bill Bonner have reimaged a number of digital photos as paintings to create these Normal Rockwell-type images. Each pack includes a car wash, a diner, a Ritz movie theatre, a bowling alley and an ice cream parlor.

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